Introduce TypedStructor

July 5, 2024


Why do types matter? Types can help catch errors early in development by ensuring that the data your functions and modules work with is of the expected form. This reduces runtime errors and makes your code more predictable and easier to debug. By using typespecs, you also make your code more readable for others (and for your future self), as it clearly communicates what kind of data structures are expected and returned. 

In Elixir, we often define structs, and each time we do, we want to define their types as well. The same applies when defining an Ecto.Schema, we also want to define its types. However, defining types for structs and schemas can be a bit verbose and repetitive. The most popular library used by the community is typed_struct, but it has lacked maintenance and updates for a while. This is where TypedStructor comes in to fill the gap, providing a more modern and flexible way to define typed structs and more features.

Typical usage

Here's an example of how to use TypedStructor to define a typed struct:

defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor do
    parameter :id

    field :id, id
    field :name, String.t(), default: "Unknown"
    field :age, non_neg_integer(), enforce: true

In this example:

  1. typed_structor macro is used to define the struct and its types
  2. parameter macro is used to define the struct parameters
  3. field macro is used to define each field of the struct, optionally with a default value and enforcement

This example is equivalent to writing the following code manually:

defmodule User do
  defstruct [:id, :name, :age]

  @type t(id) :: %__MODULE__{
    id: id | nil,
    name: String.t(),
    age: non_neg_integer()

Besides defining typed structs, TypedStructor also provides macros to define typed exceptions and records. Check out the documentation for more information.

defmodule HTTPException do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor definer: :defexception, enforce: true do
    field :status, non_neg_integer()

  @impl Exception
  def message(%__MODULE__{status: status}) do
    "HTTP status #{status}"

defmodule TypedStructor.User do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor definer: :defrecord, record_name: :user, record_tag: User, enforce: true do
    field :name, String.t()
    field :age, pos_integer()

Extending with plugins

For more customization, TypedStructor provides a plugin system that allows you to extend the functionality of the library. This is useful when you want to extract some common logic into a separate module.

Many plugins are available, and you can find them in the documentation. To keep the library lightweight, plugins are described in documentation rather than as separate packages, making it easy to copy, paste and customize them for your project. This approach is inspired by the shadcn/ui library.

Some useful plugins include (they are well-tested and documented):


As your codebase grows, the importance of using types becomes increasingly evident. Combining types with the documentation significantly enhances both the quality and maintainability of code. TypedStructor offers a modern, flexible solution to help manage and define typed structs, making Elixir development smoother and more efficient.

Check out the TypedStructor on GitHub and