Open source contribution
Workflow engine based on Coloured Petri Net.
TypedStructor is a library for defining typed structs, exceptions and record macros with effortlessly.
Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
Tree structure & hierarchy for ecto models with ltree(Postgres)
Pull requests
fix: prevent double encoding for aws urlfeat: skip encryption headersfix: use URI.parse instead of! in normalize_url function to allow unescaped characters in the pathfix: encode path in url for aws_sigv4_url/1fix: include custom ports in aws_sigv4_* functionsfix: handle nil environment values correctly in Sentry configfix: make t:Oban.Job.replace_by_state_option/0 a keyword item instead of a keywordfix: add priv to packagefeat(zod-openapi): use z.input to infer input types of the requestGet aggregate stateFix commanded aggregate racefeat: add --skip-unavailable flag to skip downloading unavailable artifactsfeat: precompiled binariesfix: 🐛 chunk splitfix(plugin-vue): allow to overwrite feature flagsfix: if offset is less than limit, set limit to offset